Friday, November 6, 2009

Winter Home Maintenance Tasks

Home Maintenance Tasks - Winter's Coming

- Look for cracks and holes in house siding or paint. Replace caulk if necessary.

- Good time to paint interior rooms or shampoo/replace carpets while it's still warm enough to leave windows open.

- In cold-climate areas, remove window air-conditioners, or put weatherproof covers on them.

- Check heating system including filters, pilot lights, and burners, and have the system serviced by a qualified professional.

- Drain hot water heater. Flush and refill.

- Clean and vacuum dust from vents, baseboard heaters and cold-air returns.

- Check that foundations are properly graded. Soil should slope four to six inches for a distance of three feet out from the foundation walls.

- If you haven't already, check basement for cracks or leaks. Seal if necessary.

- If you have a sump pump, test, clean and lubricate.

- Wash out garbage cans, disinfect, and then rinse thoroughly.

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